Transiting Uranus is in Taurus, 2018-2025

Transiting Uranus in Taurus from May 2018 until July 7, 2025


Transiting Uranus entered Taurus on May 15, 2018, at 8:16 am PDT, where it remains until July 7, 2025. It spends about seven years in a sign, minus some brief retrogradations into the previous sign, such as its return to the late degrees of Aries between November and March. Astrologers call Uranus one of the “generational marker” planets; it demarcates a mini-generation of seven years per sign. We rebel and innovate against and through the energies of the sign that Uranus occupies, which is now Taurus, either natally or by transit. The new and unusual often provoke a backlash, so some people may cling fiercely to the Taurean status quo as long as they can.
